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Archive | Holidays

Traveling During the Holidays

When you’re planning holiday travel, plan for the unexpected. With millions of people traveling at the same time, accidents, mistakes and traffic are all bound to happen. So if you get stuck in a traffic jam, are involved in a fender-bender or have to wait in the airport security line, take a deep breath, relax […]

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A Winter Recipe

They say our sense of smell is deeply tied to memory. Just think of when someone walks by wearing the same cologne as your high school boyfriend- you know what I’m talking about. Some of my favorite scents are alfalfa and hay which remind me of my grandparents horse ranch, the salty air at the […]

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The Perfect Fall Potpourri

Speaking of naturally cozy autumn, here is the latest simmer pot mix that I’ve been thoroughly enjoying for the past few days. It’s very autumn-y and totally fitting for this week since the calendar autumn is just 3 days away! Crazy right? Anyway, when my friend Sofia came over yesterday she said it smelled like […]

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Traveling with Holiday Food

Keep all your favorite foods safe to eat whether you’re traveling across town or across the state. We may not go over the river and through the woods anymore, but many of us still head to Grandmother’s house at holiday-time, sometimes with a dish or two to contribute to the Thanksgiving table. And that presents […]

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